Our rate policy
is changing

And this was built together with you.

Your feedback is a critical part of our growth and evolution, and we have listened to it. Through the surveys we conduct, our customer service team and all other communication channels. 

Responding to your suggestions, a new rate plan will come into effect on March 18, 2024.

New fee schedule:

  • 0% commission per transaction. Buy and sell your assets with 0 commission (*).  
  • A maintenance fee of $5 USD charged at the end of each quarter, only if you do not make a deposit within this period of time (*).

(*) Some minor fees and exceptions may apply. Northbound Securities LLC reserves the right to modify at any time and at its sole discretion the commission structure upon 30 days prior notice.

Our top priority at Vest is your financial well-being

We work daily to improve your experience and develope tools that allow you to continue building your financial freedom with a solid and sustainable company dedicated to building the best investment experience with and for you.

We are constantly evolving and will continue to be dedicated to improving your experience.

Vest. Financial freedom without borders

You can always contact us at support@mivest.io